Rabu, 11 Juni 2008

material 1 (reading)

Material for Reading

Tomorrow is my father’s birthday. As usual, mother is going to make Nasi Tumpeng and special cake for all of us. We usually gather and pray for our father. Then, we eat Nasi Tumpeng and cake together. So, today, mother will go shopping to buy some materials she needs. She asked Adam to check fridge and cupboard to write the shopping list.

Mother : “Is any rice, Adam?”

Adam : “Yes, Mom. But there is not much rice. I think we need more.”

Mother : “What about flour and egg?”

Adam : “There is only a little flour and a few eggs.”

Mother : “Let me see. I think less flour and a fewer eggs than we have. So I do not need to buy more. I nearly forget. How about the fruit, Adam?”

Adam : “Yes. There are a lot of apples but there are not many oranges. There are only a few.”

Mother : “Thank you, Adam. Now, I can write shopping list.”

Answer the question below

  1. Whose birthday is it tomorrow?
  2. What does mother usually make on father’s birthday?
  3. Does smother need more or less rice?
  4. How much flour does mother need/

4 komentar:

Nurasiah Hilmi mengatakan...

Dwi, I have read your material. It's quite good. I think it's a good reading material. it's easy to understand. But I think, it's too easy for senior high school. I'm sure that You can make another material that suit for senior high school.
BTW, don't forget to visit my tutorblog and give a comment...ok!

fatimah mengatakan...

assalamualaikum wr.wb

hi.. ms. dwi inriai..
i have seen your tutorblog and i read one of a material in here..

I will try answer my question..
1. Tomorrow is Adam's birthday party
2. She want to make nasi tumpeng and cake
3. Yes, she does
4. She needs less flour

fatimah mengatakan...

Sorry ms.. dwi inriani..

I make a mistake with my answer..
I want to reply again..

Now, i will try to answer your question again..

1. Tomorrow is Adam's birthday party
2. She want to make nasi tumpemg
3. Yes, she does
4. She needs less flour

Fatimah Azzahra
class : X
SMA Negeri 10 Bogor

putru mengatakan...

hii.. ms. dwi inriani

I am putri yuniar.. you can call me with putri..
nice blog, i think..

I want to try answer your question..

1. Tomorrow is Adam's birthday party
2. She want to make nasi tumpeng and cake
3. Yes, she does
4. She needs less flour

Putri Yuniar
Class : XI
SMA Kornita Bogor

Thank you...